
Manager with the Soul
Simplified materialistic view on the world, dangerously favored globally, brought to brutal race for the money with god-like status, to the stamped robbery of the nature which is now unbearable for the eco-system and human race alike. But, against all odds, it is possible even in the sphere of contemporary business hold to the Christian principles, God-humanly and human-loving, and to stay maximally successful by the most modern standards. The example of ”Kirka Corporation” proves it in a clear and persuasive manner. Anyone personal fortune, if it is accomplished leaving wasteland behind or if it is against the interest of the motherland, is not only without the meaning, but it represent the sin and curse

For eighteen years Slobodan Janjusevich patiently and with care builds his boyhood dream. His life proverb – without energy of the soul, there is no success and that every war is suicidal – is entangled in the foundations of the company ”Kirka – Suri”, first Serbian private boiler factory. During the time on nationalistic tensions and the beginning of the breakup of one strong country and its economy, Slobodan Janjusevich starts from Belgrade suburbs to build the boiler factory which are, with zero pollution, to be nourished with the gifts of nature.
Janjusevich story about heat from the nature, from arable land and grass land, story on ecological renewable energy from bio-mass, was laughing matter for the authorities of that time. But ”persistent dreamer”, as his friends call him, he was not doubtful, but instead he went to the uncertainty of private entrepreneurship when one huge system was collapsing and when ideological bonds were changed for mafia-brotherly ties.
”Sometimes it looked that democracy is bringing to the surface passion and greed packed into law and equality. There are many false experts. That so-called science is more harmful than ignorance. I am convinced that our ”self managed socialism”, of course without Bolshevik coat, is more human than this liberal capitalism. Philosophy of naked materialism, which is so valued today in all walks of life, in profit gaining is using most un-human resources, seldom masked in human rights or social equality… This fast race for profit will take us to inevitable outcome – fall of civilization” – says Slobodan Janusevich.
”Eighteen years after establishing, our company is without equal in South-Eastern Europe in fields of energy, energy saving, and combustion of bio-mass. Kyoto Protocol on carbon-dioxide emission and its catastrophic consequences on climate and human health, requires rejection of the pollutants, first of all the oil, gas, coal and it suggest to use alternative, bio mass as the fuel in boilers. Apart from the ecological aspects, energy produced by this process is cheaper 4 to 6 times, and it brings huge savings in doing business and in that manner it drastically brings down the cost of basic product, enabling competitiveness of the product in ever-growing hostile environment of the global market. Leaning exclusively on the nature, I have helped my wife Slavica to establish enterprise for production of tea and medicine herbs ”Kirka Pharma”, which has grown out of the borders of our country with its products.”Ослањајући се искључиво на природу, супрузи Славици сам помогао да оснује предузеће за производњу чајева и лековитог биља ‘Кирка Фарма’, која је са својим препаратима такође изашла ван граница наше земље.”


Slobodan Janusevich claim that he is die-hard archaic, romantic, and that even stainless steel, when enriched with energy of the soul, begins to soften and is easy to work with. He emphasize that in his patents and technological innovations he has modified old discarded methods.
”During the time we got our TUV certificate, German inspector who controlled our production, could not hide his disbelief and wondering. We was watching for the long time the machine that is used for bending pipes, that cost 200,000 German marks in Germany, and we made it for just 5,000. He asked me with surprised look on his face how did we came to an idea to put thorn in the pipe. I told him that it is the method they left 50 years ago. The essence of our problems is that we discard the legacy of the generation before us. We all think that world started with our presence. During the sanctions period we simply had no choice. From necessity and the need to improvise in order to survive, in many different walks of life we have made great achievements. During these dark, fasting, war years, without oil, heating oil, spare parts, we had no choice but to lean on what God gave us. Boilers on bio-mass we have saved at least hundred Serbian companies and saved couple of hundred million German marks.
Janjusevich tells us that even in this situation, when maneuvering space is limited, when there is no alternative, when you are up against the wall, if you believe in yourself you gain unbelievable strength. All solutions exist in nature, only you have to listen to it. The war against the nature is the same as the extermination of the mankind.
”Thinking on how to motivate workers I have put to use old American and European methods, more than half a century old. Back then, basic Christian postulates, humanity, justice and integrity were at least one step before of the profit and people rejoiced life. They were working in order to live.
Unfortunately, today everything became one depending- manipulative form of fear. Dependant relation was established. People work for small amounts of money and live in fear not to lose even that small sum. Sometimes it is the biggest resource of my pessimism. As someone said, pessimist is an optimist with experience. Unfortunately, I have seen a lot of that. Never the less, Christian motto of giving became basic principle of our company. We strive to take care of small details that worth whole life. We are trying to make a family out of our company. I have built the house within the premises of the factory.”


”So far we have made 20 houses for the workers and these days 6 workers moved to their new houses. All at the company expense. When the people see that they are valued, that their personal dignity is respected even when their sense of what is just is not questioned, they are prepared to make outstanding results. I can not understand the minority intensively getting rich on making minority poorer. It is hard to enjoy in riches when you are circled by devastation.”
Transition of capital had tragic constant for centuries, says Janusevich. Ones wardrobe can slightly open certain doors, but only his spirit can either open it to the full, or to close it all together.
”The man does not realize that he comes out from his mothers womb naked and that he parts from this earth heavier only by his good or bad deeds. Earthly glory is on big illusion, especially today, in the time of virtual manipulations, when everything is either false or blown out of the proportion. In is no coincidence when Balsaque said that glory is the poison which is to be taken only in small portions. Today, due to mass-media, you can produce overnight a Messiah, an expert or virtuoso. And vice versa, from a successful hard-working person, if he came across walking empires in luxury armor, you can make a beggar just in a second. Materialistic values, together with the expansion of technology, where machine replaces human, and the living man is more like a machine, traced the path for the Kingdom of Vanity, the Hall of the Fallen One. Volter said that many respected and celebrated look alike, like eggs. From the outside there is an egg- shell, white and clean, and inside there is – bad egg”
Although ”Kirka –Suri” has all contemporary certificates on quality, its founder does not renounce traditional methods. He is convinced that energy of the time lives in all of us and that every renouncement from self – quintessence is fatal one. Every man that runs away from his quintessence becomes a failure. Even the best polished artificial stone, worked by the most skilled jeweler can not ever reach the price of ”faulty” or damaged original.
In a small family museum of Janusevich family the are miniatures of oldies, mortar, distaff, braider, tandem, scale models of Monasteries of Gracanica, Sopocani, Djurdjevi Stupovi. Busts of Duke Karadjordje, Njegos and St. Sava. Huge copies of Paja Jovanovic`s ”Migrations” and Chermak`s ”Refuge”, canvases with scenery from Serbia, water- mills, houses covered with reed… At the entrance ”Dedication for the ashes of the Serbia `s father”, by Njegos:
But for the hero from Topola, Karadjordje the immortal, all the hurdles on the road were there, but to the great goal he came..”
”I am watching Novak Djokovich, it is impresing how much energy thay young man has. His strenght comes from the love for his people. He kisses his flag with all of his heart. He is not an actor! He is not ashamed. He is striving fighter! And God gives strenght to the one that strives. Our tragedy and this status of the lower class in which we are today are the consequence of denouncing of our identity. There is a flag flying on every house in America. And that is natural. Firstly you are American and only after that you can be Portorican, Irish or Chinese. We have branded ourselves a little bit. I travel abroad freequently and I carry only books on Serbia as a present. People read them with admiration. Two weeks ago in Romania I have made a present to Florian Manescu. I gave him memoir Serbia the Golden Apple. His grandfather came to Romania. The man wept.”
I don’ t have alternative motherland, says Janjusevich.
”Part of my space, of my life, childhood, thieves managed to steal. Of course I have suffered, although I know that spiritually, that integrity can not be separated. Tragic are those divides and ambitions of the low to crawl to the throne of the might, not asking for the price.”
”Beauty and love shall save the world”

NR Press

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